Foreign Affairs

Taking up arms to defend the nation is a sacred honor, but decades of neoconservative foreign policy have betrayed America's heroes, who are being used as mercenaries in a globalist monetary empire. Throughout history, political and intellectual elites have fanned the flames of nationalism to gin up support for foreign aggression, but ORG will not be so used. Ideological liberals espouse noninterventionism, but unlike us, they are motivated by self-doubt, and their political leadership ignores them, regardless. Many libertarians support noninterventionism, but often with the implied anti-Americanism of the Left, and some support overseas adventurism from a Nietzschean perspective.

Nationalism believes strongly in self-defense but not aggression overseas. We would restore honor to America's soldiers by bringing them home to serve in defense of the homeland. We live in a dangerous world, though, and it is important to maintain America's technological and numerical superiority. Nationalism also rejects the use of our soldiers for so-called "police actions" in the third world or for America's undefined "interests." America's sole foreign policy interest is not to be invaded or attacked at home. We will not send our bravest young men to fight and die for the grand designs of globalism. Every intervention that Americans have been goaded into since the Mexican-American War has served to expand a monetary empire that we do not support. We hold true to George Washington's admonition, seeking "peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations — entangling alliances with none." ORG members will be educated on recent history as a bulwark against backsliding on this critical issue.

A nationalist America would not forgo its leadership role in the world but would change it significantly. Donald Trump was right to criticize NATO and our repeated failures in the Middle East. The end of the Cold War presented an opportunity to restore America's tradition of principled noninterventionism, and now we can seize it. Nationalism supports the right of self-determination for all nations, but we would go to war only in defense of our own. Peaceful diplomacy can support the self determination of other peoples and states. We would seek to disband the CIA, NSA, and FBI. Noninterventionism makes the CIA unnecessary, and domestic spying programs are antithetical to America's traditional liberties. Social media and other technology companies engaged in intelligence work must be publicly investigated and offending parties prosecuted.

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