
It is clear that both political parties in America favor mass immigration and thereby the replacement of the original founding stock of America. Invasive foreign populations have been used to politically disenfranchise the domestic middle class for thousands of years, a practice which dates back to ancient Mesopotamia. Libertarians cheer on the destruction of America's ancestral heritage, betraying their masochistic ideological roots, and conservative leaders tolerate mass immigration under the direction of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. A minority of conservative politicians oppose illegal immigration in word, but not deed, and they are quick to welcome legal immigrants from culturally disparate countries.

Nationalism opposes both legal and illegal immigration, not because immigrants may vote Democrat but because they irrevocably change the demographic makeup of the nation. Our culture and identity as an independent Western European nation are still young in the context of world history, and they must be protected and cultivated over the span of centuries to flourish. If we are to survive as a people, we must maintain continuity of the culture given to us by the founders and settlers of this country

Rather than importing non-Americans, we should change the policies that discourage the best Americans from having large families, starting with economic policy. It is prohibitively expensive to own a home and raise a family on one income in modern America, and it is a lie to say that there are well-paying jobs that Americans won't do. Most of these jobs do not pay sufficiently to support familial goals, and many of them are located in the areas most devastated by crime and drugs, where one cannot responsibly raise a family and educate children. Further, the welfare system creates a poverty trap that incentivizes people to have children out of wedlock and not to work.[1] Specific economic reforms are discussed in the Economics section below, and non-economic policies to encourage the growth of natural families are discussed in Social Issues.

Under nationalism, the border would be secured by the declaration of a state of emergency, followed by a mass deployment of security forces and surveillance technology. Those who attempt to cross the border illegally will not be detained or processed but simply turned away. Enforcement of laws against employment of illegal aliens and human trafficking would be dramatically increased. The success of these laws will be measured by their effectiveness in encouraging repatriation to immigrants' home countries, which will benefit from the return of some of their most ambitious. Legal immigration and work visas would be sunsetted gradually as native families increase in size. Citizenship laws should be reformed to end birthright citizenship and dual citizenship. Citizenship should be available to all but not given to all. America was founded as a Western European nation, and we should pursue policies to restore that core identity. America's identity also includes religious tolerance and minority rights, which should be preserved.

The history of immigration in America should be viewed critically, and we should be unafraid to admit that the political leaders of the late nineteenth century who opposed immigration were right, even if many of those immigrants were our respected ancestors. Compounding the mistakes of the past does not make them prudence. It takes centuries to cultivate culture and identity, and liberal immigration policies do violence to America's civilizational calling. It is not a sin to pursue a culturally and racially coherent polity. Racially homogenous communities are less vibrant and happy[2] because they lack common values and identity. It is time to give the American Dream back to Americans.

Next: Democracy

[1] Art Laffer, University of Southern California, Cato Institute, 1984

[2] Robert Putnam, Harvard University, Scandinavian Political Studies, 2007